
The blog provides extension activities, additonal reading and supplementary notes to support and enhance your classroom learning.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Representation of Age

Will will be starting to discuss and analyse different aspects of representation over the next few weeks. We are starting with representation of age.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Theory of Representation

Below is a useful powerpoint on the theory of representation. It is aimed at A2 students studying their critical perspectives unit however, there are some very useful theories that can enhance an essay on representation at AS.

Further Reading: Representation & Mise-en-scene

Pages 35-39 in Media and Meaning: an introduction is easy to understand and will supplement your classroom studies. Copies are available in the library for you to make additional notes from.

Use this link to read around the micro codes and the theory or representation


Sunday, 2 October 2011


Key Components of editing that you should be looking out for and discussing are;

  1. Rhythm & Pace (shot duration)
  2. Continuity Editing
  3. 180 degree rule
  4. Transitions
  5. Cross Cutting / Parallel Editing
  6. Montage Editing
  7. Kuleshov Effect
  8. Flash Backs & Flash Forwards
  9. Intertitles
  10. Slow Motion
  11. Ellipsis
  12. Macth on Action Editing
  13. Graphic Match
  14. Shot reverse Shot
Refer to lesson materials on moodle and your additional class notes for further guidance.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Mise-En-Scene and Semiotics

Lesson 2 this week is an introduction to Mise-en-Scene and Semiotic Analysis. As we go though the PowerPoint in class, make notes on the handout provided. Handout is available on Moodle.

Friday, 30 September 2011

Introduction to Sound

Week Beginning 3rd October

The first lesson of this week will be an Introduction To Sound. There is a lot of terminology surrounding sound when analysing sequences. It's really important you take the time to read though your notes from this lesson.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

TV Dramas

In Prep for the exam you should be constantly practicing your skills in analysis. You should
watch and analyse a range of TV dramas discussing how they represent;

-Class and Status
-Regional Identity

Use these links to acquaint yourself with a variety of dramas (for the exam you should only be using British TV Drama).


The following drama is good with regards to exploring ethnicity, gender, age. social class and regional identity.

Cinematography: Further Reading

Use the following links to add to your class notes.


There is a useful Facebook page about the language of moving image

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Further Cinematography

Don't forget to make notes on ALL aspects of Further Cinematography.

Extended Task: Find a clip of a TV Drama on YouTube and discuss the cinematography techniques that have been used.

Monday, 27 September 2010


We are now starting the TV Drama section of your exam.

Having already discussed and made notes on basic camera shots, we now need to delve further into the world of Cinematography.

Using the Prezi below watch the video and make notes. Discuss the camera movementsthat have been used, and what purpose you think they serve.

Monday, 13 September 2010

Useful Videos

Watch the videos to supplement your class notes

Camera Shots

Camera Movements

180 degree rule

Camera Angles